Monday, November 04, 2013

on my bench

Recently I did a cardboard, duct tape and hot glue robot making workshop with the kids and adults at Art City. I hacked RC control parts and servo motors to make a moving platform so they could build the robot body on top. We set up an obstacle course at the RoboHop Halloween party and everyone got a chance to race.  Pictured is a robot body made by super crafting artist Tracy Woodward. 

You can teach and old dog new tricks!   Yup, who would of thought 25 years ago when I started to become a professional artist that I would be learning this now. Pictured is my first design drawn in 3D and  printed out on our 3D printer.  Which we(Natalie Doonan, my Montreal collaborator) built in Montreal. See this post.  It's a small step in our research towards building an installation.